Partnership and collaboration are the key to a win-win situation for consumers, the environment, producers and investors.
The sun has a superpower, that of improving our mood. Exposure to sunlight increases the release of a hormone called serotonin, which is responsible for this sensation.
In addition, with sun exposure our body generates vitamin D, which strengthens the immune system. It makes us stronger.
Another advantage is that it is an inexhaustible source of energy. The sun will shine whether you take advantage of it or not.
If you add the three together you have energy, strength and happiness.
Well, that is what we do in Valfry Solar: COLLECTIVE SELF-CONSUMPTION to make 100% green electricity available to individuals and companies.
We generate photovoltaic energy together with other investors, who share our respect for the planet, and we sell it to groups or companies that enjoy much cheaper electricity at no cost. With union we all win, everyone is happy.
Simplistically, the main differences are threefold:
Other factors to consider
These are not individual installations where the owner of the property or the community of neighbours pays the installation costs and assumes the responsibilities.
Users only have to pay for the energy they consume. The cost, maintenance and liability are borne by us. Investors receive the % profit after deducting costs from revenues.
They have a dual role, that of consumer and supplier, which is known as prosumer. We rent space available for installation and can benefit both for local lighting and for the consumption of the residents of the municipality.
Business-to-business partnerships often solve space constraints. A joint solution so that several businesses in close proximity can benefit together from being able to reduce electricity costs, and it is also 100% green.
We tell you step by step.
We are constantly looking for opportunities to develop solar plants.
Whether on large roofs or adjacent lots. Proximity is important: those who will enjoy the purchase of electricity will be the energy communities, municipalities or even companies that allow us to carry it out in their facilities.
All of them are collective (not individual) installations to offer the opportunity to save on electricity bills to as many people as possible.
Projects are studied one by one:
- Technical feasibility analysis.
- Hand in hand with the engineering study to know the estimated yields of the solar modules.
- Financial consulting.
- Legal advice.
- Permits and licenses procedures.
- Application to the CNMV.
- Preparation of documentation, contracts, etc.
All those who are part of the Valfry community are informed that there is a new opportunity to participate.
If you have not yet subscribed, now is the time: you are not committed to anything and you will receive all the information in your mailbox.
We have our own platform, which we manage ourselves, on which to invest in Security Tokens.
From 50 € for individual investors.
From €25,000 for professionals.
Once we have raised the necessary funds to start the project, the execution phase begins.
We do not skimp on materials because we want the maximum possible yield over the 30 years for which the operation is planned.
For the same reason, the personnel who carry out the project is of our utmost confidence.
For maintenance we like to have people from the area. Training is included in the cost estimate from the outset.
Once the work is completed, the electricity generated by the photovoltaic plant will be sold to the community of homes and businesses, which will have the opportunity to pay much less and also with the guarantee that the origin of the energy is 100% solar.
Double benefit for them. Advantages for everyone because we only have one planet to live on.
From the sale of electricity, costs, maintenance expenses, taxes, etc. must be deducted to calculate profits.
Each of the project participants, as investors, is entitled to receive the percentage of participation they own in Security Tokens.
If you have contributed 1%, you receive monthly, quarterly or annually that percentage of the total benefits.
If we cannot guarantee a minimum of 5% in profitability, don't worry, we will reject the project in the second step. Either we all win or it is not viable for anyone.
We are responsible for the maintenance, staffing and management of the investment platform.
As you can see, there are no intermediaries. Valfry Solar assumes all responsibilities.
We all win: the end consumer who pays for cheaper electricity, the investor who receives for years the fruits of his participation and we contribute to take care of the Earth.
If you are looking for investment opportunities with a good return, but you also value the impact you generate with your money, leave us your details so we can inform you.